FAQ & contact form

Frequently Asked Questions
How does this website work?
  • iMJ functions as a forum where all members can exchange various types of information. In all Cafés, you can participate by posting, inserting images, commenting, and adding "likes" as much as you wish. Interaction is the key focus.
  • iMJ also serves as a platform where you can both offer and find employment, either full-time or on a contract basis. Maintain an updated profile to secure work instantly. Operators and Chief Pilots are constantly seeking competent crew members with excellent skills and training.
  • The Jet Market assists you in connecting effectively with the right people for your transactions.

How do I Join and Register?
  1. Visit www.inMyJet.com.
  2. Click on "Signup" in the top right corner.
  3. Select your profile type: Operator/Pilot (Chief if you occasionally hire crew)/AMT/CA/Aviation Associate.
  4. Verify your email (check your junk mail folder).
  5. Complete your full profile (If applicable ensure you are marked as "Eligible for hire" in green at the top of the Main Café).
  6. Begin interacting with others in the cafés.

IMPORTANT! Diligently use alerts to keep your profile up-to-date, especially your landing currencies. Without this, Operators and Chief Pilots may not be able to find you.

Email Validation: I did not receive it?

Have you checked your junk mails or spam folder?

My Profile on AUTO-PILOT: How It Works for Updates

This system, created by pilots for pilots, recognizes that filling out applications can be tedious and time-consuming. For this reason, we've designed it so that while the initial registration might be somewhat lengthy, once it's properly set up with the right alerts and general reminders, there's little for you to do. Should there be any changes required down the line, you'll receive an email notification. With just a couple of clicks, you can update only the specific part that needs revising. That's all there is to it!

Operating on auto-pilot requires only minor adjustments, like a change of waypoint or a new heading or altitude. It's similar with your iMJ profile. For instance, if your medical certificate is expiring in 30 days, and you've set an alert for 30 days before its expiration, you will receive an email to remind you. Just two clicks and you can enter the new date. Done!

Update my profile. How does it work? Alerts and General Reminders


  • After logging in, click on the top right menu and select "MY INFORMATION".
  • If you are indicated as not eligible for hire at the top of the main page, click on it. An orange button will appear; click on it to view the updates you need to make.
  • If the Orange Alert button is still visible, it means Operators will not be able to find you. Ensure it is removed.
  • Note: If one of your type ratings has expired and is unchecked, please delete it. You can easily add it back later.

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Email Notifications from Alerts

  • Alerts will also send you emails. Typically, one email is sent based on the alerts you have selected, and a second email is sent on the expiration date. No emails will be sent after the expiration date has passed.
  • Note: A common expiration we see is the “landing currencies”. This needs to be accurate, as incorrect information may result in only being offered SIC positions.

Flight Times

  • For your flight times in the “Flying Experience” tab, there is no alert system. However, you can use the General Update Reminder at the beginning of your profile under "General Information".
  • A useful practice is to set a reminder every 1 or 2 months to update this information.

Setup my preferences

Once you login, under the top right menu select “MY PREFERENCES”.

How to Post a Pilot or Crew Job and How to Search for One

To post or search for pilot jobs, whether full-time or contract, you can use any Cafés. If you wish to use filters do a search or stay confidential doing a post, navigate to the top right menu and select "Post/Search for a Crew Member". From this section, you have the option to either "Search for a Pilot" (a popular choice among Operators) or "Post a Pilot Job".

How do I post jobs other than a pilot job?

You can post job openings for AMTs (Aircraft Maintenance Technicians), Cabin Attendants or any other Aviation Associate for free anywhere on the site. While the Main Café is a good place to post these positions, posting them in their respective Cafés is even better. Be sure to check out both the AMT Café and the CA (Cabin Attendant) Café for optimal posting locations.

How to access a section of a particular aircraft?

To access a section of a particular aircraft, first go to your preferences and ensure that the aircraft is selected. Then, navigate to the Main Café and click on the tab labeled "Other Sections".

How is the moderation of the website managed?

Our iMJ team oversees the moderation of the website. However, we rely on you to be courteous to one another and to respect the established rules. Consequently, we also expect members to self-moderate. If you notice something concerning, please try to address it yourself. In the event that the situation escalates, which we hope will not happen, our team will intervene to resolve the issue.

Suggestion Café and Standardization Page

All members consistently contribute valuable ideas and suggestions. iMJ's objective is to collect as much relevant information and feedback from you as possible, so we can actively implement them.

Our team will review this information, and the most significant contributions will be published on our Standardization page. This business requires guidelines, and we are all here to establish and oversee them together.

When I post, under the tab "Select Section" what is the "Main Café History" for?

When posting, if no specific section is selected, the post will eventually disappear over time. To ensure your post is saved, select "General General (Main Café History)" as the category.

Where is the iMJ agreement located?

The iMJ agreement is located under "My Information" last section. It is a downloadable document.

Expert Contributors & Content Creators

iMJ is constantly seeking experienced helpers. If you have skills and talent in writing or creating posts, ranging from news to technical information, we welcome your contribution. Our team values participants of all ages, from youngsters to retired individuals, who are team players. If you're interested in being part of the iMJ Team, please feel free to contact me at lionel@inMyJet.com


Or direct contact using contact@inmyjet.com